Having just listened to the war of the world by HG Wells (read by David Tennant on Audible, highly recommended) through in full for the first time, I was struck by the prophecy with which Wells wrote about the character of humans in a crisis.
The single mindedness, arrogance, apathy towards ones fellow beings was echoed at the dawn of our own recent invasion. Only rather than tentacled Martians, we're fighting microscopic aliens.
The initial curiosity and temerity that greeted our molecular oppressor was akin to the crowds gathering around the first Martian cylinder.
As the Martians rise, the damage done by the invaders is seen as horrific, but this abhorrent brutality of individuals to another species pales into insignificance when reflecting on the putrescence of societies morals in response. The plethora of selfish acts that has undermined the safety of many for the benefit of the few.
And yet there are many rays of light in the darkness, the acts of kindness, support for ones neighbours and those that were vulnerable. The dedication of those that cared for us to put themselves in the line of fire to fight for everyone’s safety.
(if you can indeed give a spoiler for a book that is over 120 years old)
Perhaps, if we're extremely lucky, much as the Martians demise was near enough self inflicted by a failure to prepare for our earthly bacteria which overwhelms their systems, our virulent invader will find it's own self limiting means, perhaps a mutation to a less severe form. Optimistic, I know, but if it happens, will we learn our lessons, or simply return to whatever we call normal and try to forget this happened, only to be catapulted back into chaos upon the next invasion.
As the dust settles, we can return to our homes and reflect on our lives with renewed vigour. Embracing those closest to us and looking outward at the changed world as our train jolts along the newly relaid track.
Remember to be patient. I need to remind myself of this more than anything else. Everyone is still rebuilding. Many businesses have struggled. Many more individuals have been hit extremely hard. As we all take our tentative steps forwards with uncertainty as to what is round the next bend in the road, remember everyone else is doing the same thing.
Certain things that seemed important prior to the crisis appear trivial and we have the opportunity to rebuild a brighter tomorrow.
Many rules that applied before don’t apply now. Many still do.
One rule which I personally always try to live by is to do your best to do what is best.
Always act in your patients' best interests.
Always try your hardest to uphold the highest standards of moral integrity.
Whatever anyone else does, you always do what you believe to be right and enjoy the sound sleep that comes with a clean conscience.
Blog: 18